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At the beginning of the year our church started 30 days of fasting. From the beginning, my fast did not get off to get a good start. I had every intention on doing my fast; I even scheduled out what my eating pattern would be.  Now, I could list out all of the distractions that came my way and put up road blocks, but, I won't! I am going to make this a little more personal and just say it is ME. I am putting up the road blocks and I am not holding up to my commitment.  You see, it's easy to write up a eating journal and schedule out my meals, it's no problem for me to reshape my diet and go from eating sugar and fatty foods to fruits and vegetables. But that's only a portion of a fast. The biggest part, is the spiritual portion.  Setting aside that consistent time to get before the Lord and offer up reverence to him and allow him to minister to me more intimately.  When that is not incorporated in a spiritual fast, you are now just dieting.  Sure, I am faithful in my daily devotion time and my morning prayer with the kids on the way to school and praying over my meals.  But, where is my 'set-aside' quality prayer and reflection time with the Lord.  Why am I not putting forth the much needed effort? This is what I have to ask myself, because, I want to keep myself accountable.  Accountability is necessary to walk out this journey of salvation.

My relationship with the Lord has grown tremendously. His power in my life has been unimaginable. So when I reflect on the fact that I have not truly dedicated myself to this fast, I chalk it up as; taking him for granted. He is a forgiving God and he gives grace; and sometimes, because we know that, it's easy to ride off of those coat-tails. Repentance and forgiveness is available at every request.  We apologize and ask him for his forgiveness (which he grants), but, maybe that's the problem. Being to loose with our apologies and requests of forgiveness. Asking for them, but, forgetting, there is still a commitment that needs to be honored.

I take full responsibility that I have allowed my schedule to fill up, that I did not make sure that I got alone with the Lord, but, I made time for everything else. I allowed it to be okay just acknowledging him in routine daily devotions and meal-time-prayer. 

You see, we make commitments all the time. Some that we keep, others we blow off or set aside.  But, what I have come to know about the Lord, he has kept every one of his commitments to me! When he said, he would give me a new heart ... HE DID! When he said he would heal my marriage ... HE DID! When he said that he would break generational curses ... HE DID! And when I was destroying my life through pride and he said he would deliver me ... HE DID!!!

Commitment also speaks of your character and displays your credibility.  I don't want to be that person that doesn't keep her commitments. I think it's easy to skip out on God, he's not here in the natural looking in our face; reminding us of what we said. But, he shouldn't have to be. So today, I recommit to my fast, making time to reverence the Lord and give him the honor that's due.  Because I can't help but wonder, if he didn't keep his commitment, where would I be?  

If you have made a commitment to the Lord; maybe you said you would pray more, start going to (or back) church, accept him as Lord and savior, tithe, serve, or something else;  and you  have not honor that commitment, I encourage you today, to recommit !

Remember, Surrender all ...


  1. Talk about it, Tynisha! We often are focused on the “not eating” part of fasting, or what we feel like we might "get" from God, through fasting, causing us to lose sight of the real purpose of the fast. Spiritual fasting is not a way to receive God's favor by getting him to do something for us. The purpose is to focus our attention and dependence upon God. Since I have been on the fast, I have dedicated my early mornings to God! Each day I feel His presence even more! Yes, He has been so faithful and I plan to stay committed!

    Surrendering All,


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