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Showing posts from July 24, 2017

On Your Worst Day...You Are Still Good!

Work deadlines, family demands, and ongoing life issues, can really set the tone of your day. Not to mention if it's a day that you are bumping heads with your boss or coworkers, having shouting matches with your teenagers, and your spouse has decided to be emotionally absence, only to appear when they have a request. Life is happening all around you and every day you keep telling yourself, "it can't get any worst than this!" All to find out that it can! Well, here's the good news.   "On your worst're still good!" You see because we live in a world where time does not stand still and life is taking place during every breath. It's easy to feel like you are loosing.  As a people, we measure ourselves on accomplishments and we are identified by the roles we have acquired on the journey of life; parent, spouse, employee, etc. On the days when we feel like we are failing in any of those areas, it's easy for us to forget who we truly are...