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On Your Worst Day...You Are Still Good!

Work deadlines, family demands, and ongoing life issues, can really set the tone of your day. Not to mention if it's a day that you are bumping heads with your boss or coworkers, having shouting matches with your teenagers, and your spouse has decided to be emotionally absence, only to appear when they have a request. Life is happening all around you and every day you keep telling yourself, "it can't get any worst than this!" All to find out that it can!

Well, here's the good news.  "On your worst're still good!" You see because we live in a world where time does not stand still and life is taking place during every breath. It's easy to feel like you are loosing.  As a people, we measure ourselves on accomplishments and we are identified by the roles we have acquired on the journey of life; parent, spouse, employee, etc. On the days when we feel like we are failing in any of those areas, it's easy for us to forget who we truly are. As I anxiously enter into in my 40's in a few short months, I've learned to have a different perspective on life. I hope you find some encouragement in these little nuggets that remind me, it's OK and it will all work out.

You're allowed to have a bad day
Too often, we hold ourselves and others to the standard that we must be on our best game at all times. When in reality, the unexpected can and will happen. And when "life" really happens, it can thrush us into a place of stress and even panic mode.

You won't always know what to do or how to react
Every day is new and it comes with it's own set of events and challenges. The wisdom comes when we ask for help and seek out to learn so we can do better and BE better.

As long as you have time, you will always have opportunity
Intentionally make the time to seek out opportunities that can help your situation.  It's when we sit idle and still expect things to change, that we don't rise to the occasion and conquer what we are facing.

I can recall many times in my life when I felt like a failure because I was being challenged in a certain area of my life. My identity and how I perceived myself, was really wrapped up in my day-to-day functions. When my children were dealing with their own personal struggles (because they to will have to deal with life), I marked myself as a neglectful parent. When my husband and I would argue and not see eye-to-eye regarding things in our relationship (and we had to listen to the tough truth from one another), I convinced myself that I had not changed and I was never going to be a good wife. Challenges on my job, caused me to doubt my leadership and gave occupancy to my insecurities. I was a mess and each day I felt like I was drowning.

I'm thankful for my walk in the Lord and my desire to hope for better. Whether you have a life coach, read self-reference books, listen to motivational speeches, it helps us all to find a place where we can regroup and refocus.  I started remembering certain scriptures and reminding myself that I am not who I use to be. And even though today is not the best, I'm still more than a conqueror, an over-comer, a work in progress (growing everyday), and all things are working together for my good because I believe! It's easy to forget these things when you are in the thick of it all."ON YOUR WORST DAY...YOU'RE STILL GOOD!
But here's what I want you to remember; as parents we are not perfect and we won't always make the right decisions. But, one thing is for sure, our children have our love and that's enough.  In any relationship, there will be times when you and your spouse may be going in two different directions, but make the pact to allow one another to grow, but stay committed to NOT growing apart. Find purpose in your job or career. So when you are faced with challenges, it will be easier to remember, "the GOAL is more important than the role"  We are our worst critic! And to often, we don't give ourselves enough credit for who we actually are. Your still the parent who works hard to provide for your children, help with their homework and attend all the games, the friend who listens to everyone's problems, the optimistic spouse who adds to your partner and not take from, who can see the good in everything, and the coworker who is a team player and adds to the work of others . Stop letting one bad day make you forget all of who you really are and what you do, remember, "ON YOUR WORST DAY...YOU'RE STILL GOOD!


  1. Thank you so much for writing this. Recently I have been going through some difficulties and after reading this I feel so much better knowing that I am still good even on a bad day and we all have them. Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. We are already perfectly made by God ♡


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