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Showing posts from January 13, 2014


At the beginning of the year our church started 30 days of fasting. From the beginning, my fast did not get off to get a good start. I had every intention on doing my fast; I even scheduled out what my eating pattern would be.  Now, I could list out all of the distractions that came my way and put up road blocks, but, I won't! I am going to make this a little more personal and just say it is ME. I am putting up the road blocks and I am not holding up to my commitment.  You see, it's easy to write up a eating journal and schedule out my meals, it's no problem for me to reshape my diet and go from eating sugar and fatty foods to fruits and vegetables. But that's only a portion of a fast. The biggest part, is the spiritual portion.  Setting aside that consistent time to get before the Lord and offer up reverence to him and allow him to minister to me more intimately.  When that is not incorporated in a spiritual fast, you are now just dieting.  Sure, I am faithful...