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Showing posts from April 9, 2014

Seasons Change...BUT...Don't Forget!

Here in the North we have had our fair share of; bitter cold, snow, bitter cold and snow again.  And just when we get a little bit of gets cold and snows again!!!  Our weather seasons here don't balance out when it comes to how long they last.  We have Spring for about 2 months (with rain everyday), there is 2 months of 100 degree hot and humid weather for our Summer and the rest of the months we have Winter! In our conversations with one another talking about the winter season; we all share the same reply and statement... "I remember the last winter, it was this and it was that." Maybe it's because it's the longest season that we endure, is the reason why we remember it so well.  Or because, it always does a number on our homes, cars, and bodies, that we are left with the after-effects.  But, it's interesting, because, we can't always recall the summer season and its' conditions... This morning, my husband and kids were so excited to ...