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Showing posts from January 30, 2014

A Father's Love (part 1)

Today is an exciting day.  My father is in town on an impromptu visit.  This visit comes after having reconciled years of unanswered questions, hurts and disappointments.  Although I have seen my him sporadically throughout the years, this visit will be very different.  It's been over 7 years since we last saw each other face to face.  But, in this post, I really want to reflect more on what the Lord did in this life-changing event.  As a child, I never knew why my dad left.  During family gatherings I would hear bits and pieces of others perception on why he left, but never really the truth of the story.  For me, I dealt with the agony of the unanswered questions; "Why didn't he stay?" Why didn't he give me a chance?" Why didn't he want to get to know me?" Over time, those questions just laid dormant and I went on with my life. I can recall incidents that would take place in my life and I would find myself reflecting back on the fact that he wa...