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Showing posts from June 16, 2014

You Doing the Most...

As a teacher, one our many benefits is summer break.  And although, the weather here in the mid-west does not reflect the season yet, it has still been enjoyable.  Being a teacher and having school-age children of your own, you are grateful for the time off together during the school year and over summer break.  It's a blessing to be home with my kids and they are able to enjoy their summer break at home.  So what are our plannings for the summer you may ask? Well, brace yourself... NOTHING! And I am prepared to define what nothing looks like.  When I say nothing, what I mean is, there is no strict schedule that I have typed up and it is critical that we stick to it.  What I mean is that, my alarm is not set for 6:00 am.  The goal for this summer is to have a "SIMPLE" summer.  I was having brunch with a friend the other week and we were sharing what our summers look like for our families.  We also talked about how as moms we put too much pressure on ourselves and when