I was having brunch with a friend the other week and we were sharing what our summers look like for our families. We also talked about how as moms we put too much pressure on ourselves and when we don't meet the expectations, we are in a crisis. Now, I will tell you that I am planner and I do my best to stay organized. So even though my simple summer doesn't come with a list a mile long with things to do and accomplish, there is still order to it. As moms we have to take a step back and just take the moments for how they come. We are a busy family (as I am sure you and your family are also); my husband and I both work, I take care of and nurture our children at work and at home, we are dedicated members of the church we attend and very active in serving. As a family we have learned how to maintain balance and recognize when we need a fine tuning.
In this post I want to encourage you as moms; moms who stay at home with your children, career women and wives, you don't have to do the most to have a good time and enjoy the summer. What your summer looks like will look very different from what your girl friend or neighbor's summer look like. I stopped COMPARING myself to other women and stopped COMPARING my children to other children. When I was a single-mom working and having to put my child in daycare, before and after school care and summer camp, I had to find creative ways to spend time with her. Her and I would do movie night. I would pop some popcorn and we would watch a movie that came out on VHS (at that time) and we would also spend a lot of time with extended family, where she had other cousins her age to play with. I would also do play-dates with friends. When I got married and we decided to add to our family, my husband was very consistent about taking vacations and weekend getaways. During our second child, there was a season when I was a stay-at-home mom and I would spend time with the kids at the park having a picnic and doing play-dates. Things changed for us a couple of years after that; we joined a new church, had our 3rd child and my career changed.
When I think about all the transition that our family has gone through with having children and changing careers, there had to been room in our lives and schedules for changes and flexibility. And I had to recognize that my family is different from the next family. My boys are easy to please; they are simple, laid back kinda guys. Now my diva, I mean daughter on the other hand, well, she has had to learned to tone things down and just go with the flow and see that fun doesn't have to be all exclusive and luxurious.
Stop putting the pressure on yourself to make sure your kids have this Disney-world summer experience. When you stop and take the moments and not the minutes, you find that things really do fall in place. You start to own the time and not run up against it. At the end of my post I am going to list some simple summer activities that all mothers (stay-at-home/working moms) can do. But how and when you do it will look different from the next mother. These are things that I do with my family and they are easy, fun and affordable, yes affordable. I did mention that I am off for the summer, however, but I failed to mention that I am off with NO pay, so budget-friendly is key for me. You are a good mom and your kids love you for who you are, not what you can do for them. They love you when you are being silly dancing around the house trying to do the latest dance moves, they love you when you cook their favorite meal and even better they can help you make it, they love you when are not on your phone, Facebook, or tablet and they have your undivided attention. They love you when you are just there.
Schedules, goals and calendars are all good. They help to maintain balance. It is when they are prepared with no flexibility that they become a distraction and take the fun out of things. What good does it do for you to schedule all of these things and now you are running behind on schedule and you are in a crisis. And we all know, when mom is not happy, no one is happy. Stop doing the most and have a simple summer. As promised, here is a simple list of summer activities to do with your family. I would love to hear from you on what you tried, what worked for you and even ideas that are not listed on here.
Simple Summer Fun
- Family fun in the backyard grilling and playing games.
- Park-hop; visiting various playgrounds throughout the summer, even if its just for 30 mins.
- Trip to the farmer's market.
- Purchase Six Flags season tickets and go whenever you want. 1 visit pays for itself.
- $1.00 summer movies at your local movie theater (working moms, you will have to schedule a day off, these are available in the mornings only.
- Ice-cream trip in pajamas to McDonald's or your local ice-cream parlor.
- Free reading groups at the library, they offer morning and evening.
- Movie night at home (even if you fall asleep it's okay).
- 10 minute crafts, www.pintrest.com has really good ideas.
- Bike riding, you also get your fitness in for the day :)
- Cooking or baking together, this could get messy, be prepared.
- Church activities or VBS.
- Going to the beach.
- Backyard water-park.
- Free museums and zoos.
- Catching a local softball/baseball game. So what if you don't know any of the players.
- Family community service.
- Have fun, have fun, have fun, have fun, have a SIMPLE summer!!!
Have a great SIMPLE summer,
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