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Showing posts from January 12, 2014

What Charges You?

This morning I woke up charged and anxious for my day to start. Today is one of my days out of the week that I can give all of my attention to the Lord and focus on him.  When I rewind my life and look back to what Sunday use to be for me, it gives me that charged because I know how far the Lord has brought me. Before I had a relationship with the Lord, this day of the week was recuperation day. Recuperating from the weekend, a weekend that may have consisted of hanging out all weekend, dealing with drama of a boyfriend, or giving my mind a few hours to not think of the week that waited ahead with the stress of finances when I was a single-mom; wondering if there would be enough food to eat for the week, did I have enough gas to get to work and get my daughter to daycare, heck! will I be able to pay the car payment. My life was so out of order and control and when I looked ahead the road didn't seem any better. So when I say I am charged ... I am charged!  After 16 years of...