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What Charges You?

This morning I woke up charged and anxious for my day to start. Today is one of my days out of the week that I can give all of my attention to the Lord and focus on him.  When I rewind my life and look back to what Sunday use to be for me, it gives me that charged because I know how far the Lord has brought me. Before I had a relationship with the Lord, this day of the week was recuperation day. Recuperating from the weekend, a weekend that may have consisted of hanging out all weekend, dealing with drama of a boyfriend, or giving my mind a few hours to not think of the week that waited ahead with the stress of finances when I was a single-mom; wondering if there would be enough food to eat for the week, did I have enough gas to get to work and get my daughter to daycare, heck! will I be able to pay the car payment. My life was so out of order and control and when I looked ahead the road didn't seem any better.

So when I say I am charged ... I am charged!  After 16 years of being saved, it has been in these last 4 years that I have a LIFESTYLE of a Christian. See in the first 12, I was a church-goer. I went to church, got a good message, lifted my hands (somewhat) during praise and worship, served on a ministry and then left. I was counted in for attendance and I did my "Christian duty" So I thought.  But, if I could be real; going through those motions didn't change anything. I still had the worries of day-to-day life, even after being married.  Monday still was "D-Day" for me ... Depression Day! Depressed because my life was still spinning in circles, everything that I was trying to do in my own strength was failing and I had no hope or life in me! And I was going to church!!!

Today, I don't just go to church.  My lifestyle has changed. I now live a lifestyle of a Christian. What does that mean? For me, it means I focus everyday on living by Biblical principles. My decisions and choices are determined by the word of God, I no longer put myself in places or positions of compromise, my checks and balances come through him.  I have developed a relationship with Jesus. I continue to give him total access to my life; where he continues to show me myself and molds me as a woman, mother, and wife. I have come to know him as a father, and for someone who's father was absent in her life and the example of a stand-in dad really didn't have an impact on my life, this means everything. 

I'm charged because I chose to accept a relationship with the one person, who has all power in his hands to accept me and wash off my stains, and heal my scars, and love me for who I am, and when I mess up or fall short, he's still there! You see, this salvation thing, is a lifelong process.  I'm fully aware that there's no time limit that is set; so after you have gone to church so many years and you have perfect attendance, you are now perfect in life.  Are you kidding me! There will always be something that the Lord will need to work out in my life, the good news is, is that, I have found a hope and peace in him to know that he is going to complete the work.  This is possible because, I made the choice to live a lifestyle that is reflective on him.

So today, I am going to continue to honor that; praising him with all that I have, worshiping  him with my heart and emotions that have been transformed by him, serving those that he has called me to ... giving him everything, because of who he is in my life.  I'm charged, because I used to be dead inside, I'm charged because there was a time I had no hope, I'm charged because in him I live, I'm charged because he loves me.

Maybe you don't attend church, maybe the church you attend doesn't allow for you to meet up with the Lord this way. But maybe, just maybe, you can just meet him in a secret place of your choice and you can allow him to recharge you.

Remember, surrender all...


  1. AMEN! I'm SO honored to be connected to a ministry and other women that are TRULY living a Christian lifestyle. I have grown up in church my entire life and I can honestly say that I have not been to many ministries that provide the atmosphere of joy, love, hope and TRANSPARENCY as I have now. OMG. I could go on. It is women like you that keeps me encouraged, helps to keep me in check and makes me so grateful to have wonderful and STRONG examples of what a Christian wife, mother and friend should be.

    Thank you for sharing these with us!


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