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Seasons Change...BUT...Don't Forget!

Here in the North we have had our fair share of; bitter cold, snow, bitter cold and snow again.  And just when we get a little bit of gets cold and snows again!!!  Our weather seasons here don't balance out when it comes to how long they last.  We have Spring for about 2 months (with rain everyday), there is 2 months of 100 degree hot and humid weather for our Summer and the rest of the months we have Winter! In our conversations with one another talking about the winter season; we all share the same reply and statement..."I remember the last winter, it was this and it was that." Maybe it's because it's the longest season that we endure, is the reason why we remember it so well.  Or because, it always does a number on our homes, cars, and bodies, that we are left with the after-effects.  But, it's interesting, because, we can't always recall the summer season and its' conditions...

This morning, my husband and kids were so excited to hear the weather man say it was going to be 60 degrees; my boys were glad to be able to wear a lighter coat, my daughter pulled out a summer dress (of course she started wearing sandals last week :) and I think my husband was just glad he didn't have to work out in the rain or cold. Me on the other hand, I tread lightly and prepare for anything.  It's been nice to have the sun beam through the windows of my classroom; I must say, even the students are keeping calm today, lol! But when I look out the window, for a quick moment, I realize...seasons change! We are in Spring now and things are trying to come back to life; the grass is turning from brown to green, you can spot a leaf on a tree here and there and every now and then, some type of bug flies by you. We as people are smiling more and becoming more nicer, we are more alert and not as tired and weary; the hibernation is wearing off and some of our depression. 

It's funny how we can be in harmony with nature. During the winter season, it's cold and dark; depressing at times. Our surroundings are covered with snow, as is our will to do things and motivation is blocked by emotional stress, discouragement, doubt and unbelief.  When things around us are not blooming and freely moving, it's easy for us to follow suit.  But, if we can remember summer! If we can remember that although the seasons change, there was a summer when the Lord shined in our lives and made all things new. You see, seasons change and we will remember some better than others; and this may sound crazy, but; I don't want to forget my winters. I don't want to forget when I was chained down by depression and I had no hope for my life.  I don't want to forget when I thought I would be better off divorced.  I don't want to forget that it took all the strength that I had in me and all my muscles to muster up a smile ( that lasted only for a second). I don't want to forget how I felt like I was never good enough for anyone or anything.  I don't want to forget how the enemy had me pinned down in my sin ... I DON'T WANT TO FORGET!

Why, you ask? Because the seasons started to change and summer came!!! In spring I found out the desires of the Lord's heart for me. I began to water my faith ... trusting Him with my hurts, disappointments, feelings and emotions. I got to a place of brokenness and let my tears rain down for the entire season.  And we all know that, "April showers, bring May flowers."  In the summer, I began to spring up; blossom in my faith.  I came alive again; I could feel, I looked different and smelled brand new.  And when I was planting my seeds of hope and faith; I didn't even know that I would be a perennial flower and always have life in me...

I want to encourage you today, that even though seasons change in our lives and the conditions of some may seem better than others ... don't forget! Don't forget your summer; when He healed you, when He carried you through the storm, we He saw you in your grave clothes and called you lovely, we He blew life back into your dry bones and saved your life (spiritually and naturally), when He picked up the broken pieces of your marriage and put it back together, when He gave you a new heart and turned your mourning into dancing, when He loved you, when He protected you, when He provided for you, when He laid with you in the midnight hour, when He kept the enemy away from your kids, when He, when He, when He ....  Seasons Change...But...Don't forget!

Remember, surrender all ...


  1. AMEN... AMEN... and AMEN, again! Never forget!

    Surrendering All,
    Michelle Cox


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