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In My Own Strength

That morning when it seems like the clock has been knocked off of its routine clicking and it is just going round-and-around.  Everything and everyone is in chaos; trying to get dress, chasing my little one around to get him to brush his teeth, yelling back and forth at my other son because everything has to be a super-hero adventure, preparing some type of breakfast, making lunches, checking over my teenager making sure everything is good and then needing her assistance with getting the boys calmed down.  Finally dashing out the door, in the car and driving; all just to look down at my skirt and see that my hem is loose ... UGH! What a morning!

To be honest, too many of my mornings operate this way.  I'm frustrated, I running through the house like I am Olympic runner, trying to finish a marathon. And by the time I get in the car, everybody is on mute because they are thinking, at any time she can blow,(lol). After 5 minutes or so, things are good and we get into our morning prayer.

It's funny because my constant prayer to the Lord is "Lord, help us to have a better morning."   I pray this prayer faithfully, as if he has not spoken to me or given me a plan to work it out. I just haven't followed through on his instructions. He has made it loud and clear that the functions of my morning are geared by me.  I am SO NOT a morning person. I set my alarm and it goes off, I hit the dismiss button, and I tell myself  " I have 15 minutes." When that 15 minutes is up, I tell myself again, "I have 15 minutes." before you know it, 30-45 minutes have gone by and there is only enough time left for me to get dress.  You see, when I was asking the Lord for his help in this situation; my hope of the results was that he would speak a word to my kids and one morning I would wake up, and they would be moving about peacefully, doing what was needed and waiting downstairs patiently for me to come down ... Yeah Right!

There is a lesson in all of this.  The Lord has already designed our day from the time we open our eyes to the time that we lay down and shut them again.  The morning is a very intricate part of the day. It is during this time when we rise early enough to hear from him, get his help to set things in order, and move about in HIS grace. I can just imagine him looking at me running around my house like a mad woman and he is saying, "Another morning, she has not acknowledge me and has chosen to do everything in her own strength."  When the scripture talks about; seek ye first the kingdom of God. There is wisdom in that. I have got to rid myself of this 'self-help-strength' and continue to remind myself, I am weak and in HIM, I am strong.  I can prepare our clothes and lunches the night before, take a shower and give baths the night before; and all of that does help, but, if I still have not started my day off, acknowledging him and picking up his agenda, it's going to unravel somewhere.

So this is me; thanking the Lord for his wisdom and encouraged to start tomorrow off in HIS presence. And for the rest of my day today ... I am going to move about in HIS grace!

Remember, surrender all ....


  1. Thank you for being so transparent. It is so wonderful to know we are not alone.

  2. Let me find out you and Jo been talking about our mornings!!!!! ROFL LOL! Thanks to the fast, I have been rising earlier no matter what time I went to bed!


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