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Giving Up, Giving In ... Winning in the End!

The Lord has really been ministering to me lately about doing things in my own strength.  I have gotten better about not making decisions without the counsel and agreement of my husband and seeking the Lord for direction.  But, if I can be honest, that was really hard for me in the past. Before my husband and I married, I was a single-mom who lived by the "survival" principle; do whatever you need to do to survive, work hard, don't let anyone see you sweat or be weak, "rob Peter to pay Paul." I made the choices, I made the decisions, and if I messed up, I made the excuses! So when I got married, it was hard for me to get out of that mode and allow someone else to take over.  Early in our marriage, my husband would also allow me to function that way.  For him, it was easier to just let me have at it, and he didn't have to deal with the wrath of my behavior.  During those earlier years, the Lord would speak to me a lot about being vulnerable and trusting my husband to lead through the direction of the Lord. But because I was full of pride and if I didn't like the way that my husband handled something or I wasn't in agreement with a decision he made, I would do my own thing and override my husband.

Today, I realize even more, what the Lord was telling me to do. When He was telling me to be vulnerable, He was telling me, "Give it up, Give in.!"   Give up your pride, give in to the request of the Holy Spirit. This morning, I was taken back to this request.  Before work, my husband decided he wanted to talk about finances ... probably not the best time to discuss it, especially since it can be a sensitive and edgy topic at times. And he wasn't looking for a long discussion about it, he was really just throwing it out there for me to ponder on and discuss with him later.  What he is suggesting, I'm really not in agreement with, for various reasons. And I know we will need to discuss things further.  But, while I feel like my reasons are valid and can be justified; I want to make sure that I am not being driven by pride and giving into the temptation of doing things my way, so "I" can feel better about it.  I want us to come to a place of agreement.  A place where the Lord will be pleased with our decision.

In the past, to give up, meant; to fail, to be weak, to give into something because you couldn't handle it.  But to now be in a place where I have had an encounter with the Lord and I now understand that it is in Him that I am made strong, I look at things totally different.  To give up, is to have total dependence on the Lord, trusting Him for everything.  Knowing that my vulnerability gives Him full access to mold and shape me. And If I am going to give in to anything, why not give in to the Holy Spirit? Why not give in to His invitation to dwell within me and lead my life. When I look back on things, I really didn't do a good job of leading my own life anyway.  Yeah, I might have escaped some things; but, even in that, it was by the Grace of God that I made it through. Giving in, allows me the privilege to walk with the Lord daily, enjoying His peace, feeling His love and loving Him back. Giving in, my husband and I can walk in unity and agreement and maintain a healthy and growing marriage in the Lord. 

Giving up ... I can do all things through Christ! Giving in ... I am a new creature in Him! My surrenderance gives Him the Glory.  And in the end, I am more than a conqueror; wining the battle of overcoming pride, winning the battle of submitting to the Lord and my husband and winning the battle of doubt and trusting Him for all things.  

I want to encourage you today; Give up the need to always be right, to have the last and final say.  Give in to the request of the Lord and not your flesh and your desires.  Become victorious in your vulnerability! 

Remember, surrender all...


  1. Powerful! There is such wisdom in this post! For me, it has been hard to give up because I have always been such an independent person. However, during the past few years I have learned to let go and let God. Thank you, for the post. It speaks volumes!


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