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Remember Sunday

I was watching the featured movie "Remember Sunday" on the Hallmark channel. The story was about a man who had lost his short-term memory to the eruption of an aneurysm.  Everyday, he would have to start over because he couldn't remember the next day. Like any love story, he meets a great woman and they fall in love.  When I was watching the movie, I really started to think about how, he lost every memory of the day before. Which meant, that everything that took place, all significance and meaningful moments were gone.  Although he fell in love (and he would have to do it over and over everyday with her), and he would make note of special moments; a kiss, date, or whatever.  He would never be able to relive that moment again in his mind ...   But on Sunday, they went back to a place that was familiar to him.  Sunday for him, was the day when he went back and revisited his past, before the aneurysm.  The moments that he could recall, the last memories that he had of his original life. A time of happiness and joy, love and success.  It's funny how you can watch a movie or read a book and it sparks something in you.

I haven't lost my memory and there are things that I have forgotten. But, there is a Sunday that took place in my life. For me, Sunday keeps repeating it's self.  It's the memory that I will never forget, a moment that will last a lifetime.  When I reflect on my Sunday, it comes over and over again.  It's the day when I no longer wanted to end my life because I felt like a failure as a mom and a wife.  It's the day, when I wanted to love my husband again and I stopped coaching myself into thinking that I didn't need him in my life.  The day that we began to know one another and love and respect each other for who we are. It's also the day that I mustard up enough courage in the Lord to know how to love my children and desire to be a better mom to them and for them.

You see, I can't forget Sunday.  I can't forget how the Lord not only showed me my reasons to live, but HE blew life back in me.  I was so numb inside from depression and oppression, I couldn't feel.  I can't forget how he loved me and because of HIS love, I am now able to love my family and others without condition. I can't forget, when HE told me HIS thoughts about me, and I was no longer without value. I can't forget the Sunday, when my mother told me she loved me ... words that I had not heard in 32 years of my life. The Sunday when my father and I reconciled and I told him that I forgave him.  I won't forget the Sunday when he stripped me of the pride that was destroying my life and taught me to be humble. So many Sundays have taken place in my life ... I can't, I won't forget!!!

You see, we all have a Sunday.  Maybe your Sunday is the day the you gained enough strength to walk out of an abusive relationship.  The day when you decided to kick a bad habit or addiction.  The day that you chose to forgive those that hurt you.  Maybe it's the day the Lord healed you of a disease.  Or the day when you chose to fight for your marriage and not divorce.  Maybe it's the Sunday when you chose life and not death; you made the decision to get out of bed and face another day.  And if your Sunday hasn't come yet, maybe it will be today.  Maybe today, on this Sunday, you will choose to go after the Lord, like I did, and allow HIM to create memories for you that will last a lifetime. I want to encourage you, whatever your Sunday is ... REMEMBER IT! Remember that the Lord was there with you every step of the way.

On this Sunday, remember to surrender all...


  1. COME ON Tynisha! I had to shout while reading this. Yes, we all have a "Sunday". I thank God for my Sunday. The Sunday when His face shined down on me... the Sunday when He called me His daughter....the Sunday when He revealed to me that I wasn't a mistake and that He had a plan for my life. Thank you God....Thank you God...Thank you God...Thank you for MY Sunday.

    Still Surrendering it all...
    Your sister in Christ

  2. Awesome! Very encouaging! I feel like every Sunday is my Sunday because I'm always encouraged in one area or another!

  3. Bless the Lord oh my sole and forget not ALL his benefits. Ms. Tynisha I had to raise my hands for Sunday. You are truly a blessing, thank you

    1. Amen, it is when are hands are lifted in a state of surrenderance that HE is able to do all that HE needs to do for HIS glory! HE is worthy.

  4. Thank you for this! Thank you for allowing God to use you the way that he does.

    1. Your welcome! it's truly the Lord who gets all the credit.

  5. I just wanted to say "thank you" to everyone for their support and transparency through this blog. It is when we are weak, that the Lord is shown strong in our lives. Continue to surrender to him! Bless you ..


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