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What Are You Taking With You?

I've heard people say that a good breakfast helps to start your day off right. Breakfast is one of my favorite meals of the day.  If I have breakfast, a good breakfast that is.  Not just an "on-the-go" breakfast, I have energy and I am ready to start my day off right. Sometimes, because I really do want to eat a good breakfast with all of my favorite things and I don't have time to sit down and eat it.  I will pack it up and take it with me!

You know, there are a lot of things that we take with us in the mornings when we are getting ready to start our day for; work, school, meetings or appointments.  This morning, as I was running around making sure that I had everything that I needed; my work bag, lunch, the kids, my keys and coat.  When I got in the car and caught my breathe, I realized something.  Every morning, besides the normal things that I take with me.  I take something else as well.  If I am running late, or have had to chase my boys around the house to get them dress, looking for my keys for the hundredth time; I take frustration with me. And on my best days, when things are running smoothly, I take joy and motivation with me.  But you know what I don't always take with everyday, and I should ... the Lord.  I have to be honest. I don't always take him with me.  I don't always get up and pray or read my daily devotion before I start my day.  Matter of fact, I will just pick Him up along the way; praying in the car with the kids, or getting into my daily devotion once I have a free hour.  Starting my day off with the Lord, even before I start with my breakfast, is the best "get up" that I can have. 

This morning I was convicted.  Every morning I run off my checklist making sure I have everything else that I am going to take with me, and, the most important person I need to have with me, I don't ... the Lord.  I'm tired of making room in my car for frustration and stress. So, tomorrow, I am going to start my day differently, with enough time, and I am going to start with the Lord.  After all, HE is my covering. When I don't start with me, I leave myself out there for anything to happen or take place in my life. I can just imagine Him looking at me saying, "will this be the day that she takes me with her." Lord forgive me, there is no reasonable explanation. But, I am going to do better, in Jesus Name ... Amen!"

I want to encourage you today, as you are starting your day and you are making sure that you have everything that you need to take with you; the kids, your work bag, your workout clothes, your cup of coffee, your status on Facebook, your purse and car keys; don't leave the house without taking the Lord with you.  

 Remember, surrender all ...


  1. Beginning my day off with my heavenly father makes all the difference in my day. When I let the hustle and bustle of the mornings distract me and I don't get to commune with the Lord my entire day reflects it.

    Thanks for the post!

    Surrendering daily,
    Michelle Coz


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