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What If ...

Have you ever stopped to think "What If..." What if you didn't make certain choices and decisions, good or bad? I think about this often.  Choices that I made as a child, decisions that I made when I was a young adult, and choices that I am making in my life today.  My choices as a child didn't have as much of an effect on my life today, as much as, the choices that I made when I was a teenager.  What if I had not made the choice to start dating. Could I have put that time and attention towards my academics, would I have gone off to college?  What if I didn't become a single mom at the age of 20, and I would have made the choice to remain pure? And I could have offered that gift of purity to my husband on our wedding day!  Continuing on the path of unguided choices and decisions, what if I would have not gotten out of that sinful relationship, that had "destruction" written all over it for my life.  What if ....

I've gotten to a place in my life where I am no longer condemned by those choices.  I am encouraged by the fact that as I got older in life and made the decision to want to live a better life, I started making better choices; choices that would have positive results.  I don't regret giving birth to my first child so early on in my life, I just wished that I would have been in a better place and would have been a better person; stable and emotionally sound, knowing how to be a mother.

I have always been an optimist; believing that good can come from anything or situation.  So I think about that sinful relationship that I was in, that, my emotions and feelings got wrapped up in and I didn't know how to get out of. And if I could be honest, there was a part of me at the time that didn't want to leave the relationship. I felt loved and accepted and I didn't want to let that feeling go. But, had not that relationship come to a head and put a reproach on me; I wouldn't have ran into the arms of God. That relationship also taught me what not to do in my own marriage when the time came for me to be married. How to respect marriage.  And I learned the seriousness of a covenant between a husband and wife; and understand; no matter how bad of a state a marriage may be in, there was a covenant that was made and unless or until that union is disconnected by divorce, you are in sin to engage in a separate relationship.  That relationship broke me into so many pieces! It was either run to the Lord; the only one who could fix things and ME, or self-destruct. You see, for me, I can't cover up things in my life that I made the choice to engage in.  I can't claim God as my Lord and Savior and not allow Him to get the Glory for all He has done.  He gave me the strength to get up off the floor and find value in my life. I got the courage to write that wife a letter and ask her for her forgiveness. I no longer justified that I was right and she was wrong, I recognized my sin and the Lord washed me clean.  

What if as a child, I would have never hoped and ask the Lord to reconcile things with my parents. I would have never known or understood that platform of "rejection" that my life was being built on.  What if I didn't meet the Lord that day at the altar! I would have never received the "adoption of a son" and receive a "father's love" from my heavenly father. I would have never reconciled things with my own father and have a new start with him. 

What if I didn't make the choice to be a better parent? Would I know how to stand in faith today for my daughter's total surrenderance to the Lord.  What if I didn't humble myself and ask the Lord to save my marriage and make the decision to work at it. Would I have joined the rising statistics of Christians divorcing?  What if I didn't recognize that I was a gossiper?  Would the Lord be able to use me to write this blog, trusting that I would encourage and not slander or tear down others.  What if I didn't make the choice to forgive and love?  I could have never cried out to the Lord to take away the depression, numbness, and feel again.  What if I would have never tried God? My breakthrough would still be on the shelf. 

What if, you don't believe for better in your life? Will you continue to accept the lie, that you were not chosen.  What if you don't forgive? Will you rob yourself of the redeeming power of the Lord? What if you don't stand in faith for your children? Will you let the creditor of the enemy; the streets, drugs, prison, premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, premature death and ungodly influences claim their life?  What if you don't run to the Lord? Will you reject the offer of your breakthrough?  "WHAT IF" ... 

Remember, surrender all ...
