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Are You What You Do Or Who You Are?

I'm so grateful for the wisdom and insight that I receive from my Pastor's wife.  She is always taking the time to impart, fellowship and talk with the ladies of our ministry.  Recently, she ministered to us about our identity; how it should not be created by what we do, but by, who we are.  I was really encouraged by that. You have read about me being in this new season where a lot of great things are happening in my life. The year started off great! I have always been productive on my job and serve in the ministry that we attend and my plate as a wife and mother is always filled. In this season, I have found my purpose in all of these arenas of my life ... thank you Lord.  As we were being ministered to, she shared how our identity should be molded and shaped by what the Lord has done in us and who He is in our lives.

I am a progressive individual, a go-getter; one who likes to achieve and get things done.  I like to be empowered and empower others.  But also being one who has struggled with pride; I have to be very careful to not let what I do, be who I am! It's easy to get caught up in your own talents and abilities and there is nothing wrong with being blessed to be skilled at certain things.  It's when we forget who is the "skill-provider"(the Lord) that we now become what we do and not who we are.  I am thankful for all that I have accomplished in life; my education, my experience of being an author, my career, my family and serving in the Kingdom. The Lord has gifted me and I am truly grateful.

But, who am I? Because, that is where my identity comes from.  When you take away the degrees, set aside the career, don't count my wifey and motherly duties ... what am I left with? 3 years ago, I wouldn't be able to answer this question. Matter-of-fact, I probably would have dodged it.  Understanding that who I am, is created by the Lord and what He has done in me; my relationship with Him and my covenant with His word, should be how I am Identified. The world that we live in is lavished with being someone who has a title, high position, fat bank accounts, luxury homes and cars; we soak in material things, things that are temporary. As women, we have come to pride ourselves on being at the top in the work place and making more money than men; and don't get me wrong, I don't take anything away from that. Trust me, I know there's due diligence in it. But it's when we take those accomplishments and they now become the standard of our lives, that I believe we loose focus and we create a false identity.  We miss out on the opportunity to experience love, true love, because he didn't met the standard, me don't create a sisterhood relationships; to know someone (the Lord) who is bigger than we are; the one that created us, becomes unpopular. 

When I was getting my degrees and accomplishing things in life that I never thought I would; my focus was not the Lord.  It was the next thing that I had on my list to achieve.  For me, I was good ... UNTIL!

Until, I lost the job, until the degrees excluded me and not included m;, because the market had changed. Until, I could no longer keep up with the Jones ... until!  Not only was I without those things, but, I didn't even know who I was.  I was empty and felt useless.

It was 3 years ago, when I began to find out who I was really, at that time, and who the Lord was creating me to be.  You see, when I was stripped of the mask and the real scars where revealed; I no longer met status-quo. Now, I was damaged goods and that didn't qualify me for anything ... in the world's arena. But in God's kingdom, I was the perfect applicant.  So, I surrender to meet His qualifications and I tore up my physical resume` and humbled myself to His will.  I relinquished my pride, gave over my hurt and disappointments, cried out for self-forgiveness and revealed the ugliest scar of them all .... my Rejection! And through that, I went through training and orientation; to become a new employee, one fit for the Kingdom.

So today, with a new identity and understanding of "Kingdom Credentials" when life shifts and my self-built credentials are no longer good enough or have expired; I rest on the assurance that I am created in the image of the Lord, I am more than a conqueror, in Him my hope is found, I was created to give my life, body and soul as a living sacrifice. I am identify by Him; the one who can count the strands of hair on my head, the one who is Abba Father, the one who loved me when I wasn't worthy, the one who counted me in, when I was counted out, the one who knew me before my earthly appearance and the one who has been a father to me ... thank you Lord.  I am a woman whose life is forever being transformed by the Lord.  I am the daughter of the King, I am fortress in His army.

I want to encourage us all today, let us remain grateful for the gifts and talents that we have.  Humbled by the fact that we are able, and excited to give them (always) to the Lord.  Our success should be the road map to the Lord, our accomplishments are to glorify Him and not us. Our name and title is the one He has given us, not what we have chosen for ourselves.  Let us always recognize that it is not by what we do, but by who we are IN CHRIST that our identity is found. Be blessed and be empowered by the word of the Lord.

*Please take the time to check out one of my favorite blogs;

Remember, surrender all ...
