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Stay Focused and Stay The Course!

This week my son is state testing for school.  I was so proud of him this morning during his turn to pray, he asked the Lord to help him during his testing. I was also embarrassed that I had forgotten about it and even made myself a mental note to make sure he gets a good hearty breakfast this week -  so, I flopped on day 1, but, I got it the rest of the week :)  My son is 8 years old and he is in 2nd grade.  He's like any boy his age ... living life as a superhero.  Everything is an adventure and a mission.  I find myself a lot saying "focus, come on buddy, you have to focus!" So this morning, when I was talking to him, I reminded him to stay focus. Explaining to him that his attention and mind needs to be focused on the task at hand, what is happening and worrying about only himself and only the things that effect him. I explained that, with him staying focus, it also helps him to stay on track ... stay the course! Not letting anything or anyone, throw him off.

I reflect on my own words and advice and apply it to my own life and the things that are taking place.  In my posts I reflect a lot on what the the Lord has done (and continuing to do) in me and in my life.  And while I am grateful for all He has done, I am also aware that He is not finish with me and I want Him to complete the work that He has began in me.  So I need to stay focus.  Focus on Him, the one who has all-power and who is all-knowing.  My focus on Him helps me to stay on track; giving my attention to His presence and recognizing who He is in my life.  When I'm focused on Him, I don't have to worry about if my issues are being worked out, I don't even have to try and fix them myself,  because, I understand that when I start to take matters into my own hand, I get off track and I don't complete the course. For me, focusing on the Lord gives me the strength that I need to stay the course.  My faith is elevated and I am encouraged to see things through.

The more and more I look at my life and realize all that has taken place, I understand for me, how critical it is for me to stay focused and stay the course.  You see, I am someone who is use to "cutting my own way", making things happen on my own.  Kicking open doors because I wanted them open to me, not really seeking the Lord for direction or asking Him what He wanted for me and my life.  And if I could be honest, part of me didn't want to seek Him; because I had convinced myself that at the moment in time, it was what I wanted and "I knew" what was best for my life.  I really thought my ways were better than His .... WOW, what was a I thinking!!!

Staying focus also requires patience, a lot of it. To build up that level of patience, I had to understand that God is in control and He operates on His own time.  And what may be urgent to me, is not to Him.  It doesn't mean that He doesn't care, but there is a lesson in His process of doing things.  We will never know how long or how the far the course will go, but, we have to be focused enough to stay on it.

I want to encourage you today ... stay focused and stay the course! Don't allow your mind to wonder, don't try to take short cuts and speed up the process.  If the course is set for a mile, don't turn into a 50-yard dash.  I think about all the times when I made the decision to start a new work out regiment; all the time, energy and dedication that I would put into it.  The discomfort and hurt that I would go through from changing my diet and exercising muscles in my body that I had never used.  I was motivated to see it through, to find out the results. But, I had to take a moment and I had to ask myself, "why is it that you are willing to endure the pain and suffering of getting a new look on the outside and you will put all of your hard-work and dedication into your outer appearance (something that can change after too many chocolate chip cookies), but you won't suffer for the change of your inner physique when it requires  working-out with the Lord and it can't be altered by eating fatty foods; you want to cut corners and cheat your way???"  Sure, through His (the Lord) regiment there is pain and some long-suffering, but, isn't that with anything that we are trying to break habit from?  I need to stay focus, I have to stay focus.  There are so many things in my life that is attached to me staying focus and this new course that I am on. My marriage is dependent upon my focus to remain humble, love and respect my husband unconditionally. My children are attached to my priorities being set by the things of God, so I don't rob them of their future.  And the Lord needs my full attention so He can continue to mold and shape me, so He can use me for His Glory.

Stay focus and stay the course.  Stay focus on your marriage being saved and transformed, stay focus on your healing, stay focus on your children and helping them to know that plan that God has for their life, stay focus and continue to fight for them, so when they want to retreat to the things of the world; your focus is their weapon to overcome, stay focus on your deliverance, stay focus and stay the course (at the end) ... is God's Glory!!!

Remember, surrender all ...


  1. TRUTH! Thank you for this post, Tynisha!

    1. Hi Michelle,
      Thank you for your continual support. Sometimes it's easy to get off track.


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