I think about when I was in 8th grade; the things that were going on and my awareness of the Lord. Things in my life were so scattered at that time and the road ahead was filled with potholes and U-turns, I wasn't where my student is today. Sure, I had been to church, participated in the local Awana's program, but to say that I actually knew the Lord and had a relationship with Him ... that was not the case. This 13 year old teenage girl has enough faith to believe in the God of this world and believe for the plans He has for her life ... Child-like faith! At this age, living in a world where good is becoming bad and bad is becoming good; her faith is in the Lord.
When I say I am encouraged by this; not from a mother's stand point or as an advocate for youth, I am encouraged by this because it reminds me to have child-like faith for my own life and the things that I am believing the Lord for. Sometimes, I can find myself complicating things when I am standing in faith, waiting and believing for God to move in my life or on my behalf. I start to get restless and tempted to take over the situation. But why not have child-like faith?, why not just take my petitions to the Lord and walk away trusting and believing for all things to work together for my good? I remember the day when I accepted Jesus into my heart as my Lord and Savior. I remember standing at the altar, I was without so much hope; I was broken and lost. Lost to who the Savior really was and the knowledge of knowing all that He could do. But, when I recited the prayer of salvation and those words began to penetrate my spirit; I felt so empowered and although I didn't know (at the time) what having faith was all about, I desired to believe God, I believed in the prayer that I was reciting and I had an expectation of what was to come.
When I think about my own children and their relationship with their father and me; they depend on us, they have security in knowing that we love them and want the best for them (God's plan for their life), they expect us to provide and take care of them and they trust that we will be there for them. So, I am encouraged today to hold on to my child-like faith; to depend on the Lord, to be secure in my relationship with me, to receive His love, to allow Him to provide for me and to trust and believe the plans He has for my life are the right plans. Today, the Lord has already done so much for me and has transformed my life. And just when I think that maybe I have exhausted all possibilities or I have reached the limit of His goodness; He gives another portion.
As a teacher, one of the greatest rewards is not only teaching others, but learning from those whom you have taught. Let us all take a lesson from my student; let our faith be that of a child. Receive God's love for you, sit on his lap and tell Him what you need; He is our father. Leave your cares with Him and walk away trusting and believing that it is His desire for all things to work together for the good of those who believe, Romans 8:28. We are a child of the King...
Remember, surrender all ...
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